Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Public transit via Google - A Long Time coming

Official Google Blog: Public transit via Google

You know, this feature must have been a number one request for google maps for some time. This thing is by far one of the most needed application for people who use the train system a lot.

However, I must say that this is not the dream that I wanted (yet). While in Portland, this is really nice, bigger cites with bidder train/bus systems seems to be lacking. When will the composite of the NYC transit system going to be implemented into this nessitary tool? Soon I hope.

But enough ranting. If you care to bother to try some searches in Portland, you will see how nice this thing is. It shows walking routes, train/bus routes, estimated total time of transit, and exact cost of trip in comparison to driving. Not to motion if you are in an area with scheduled departures, it shows that too.

Overall, this will make many new Yorkers life easier once it gets released here. So many people in new York don't even own cars and rely solely on the wonder of public transposition..

To google I ask, How much longer till I can use it?


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