Well it seems if I have been posting one date late recently, but it’s hard to post during the night, and my mornings are generally boring. Anyhow yesterday (Saturday) was a very good day.
I woke up, and skipped the ACT test, yep, I just blew it off. Sure I paid for it, but I really didn't care, I didn't want to go though, and I was tired as hell. Instead I had a great morning of sleeping and Halo2. I finally got enough clan members in our clan for Major Clan Matches, and its so great, very intensive competition.
My dad is really freaking me out recently. Usually he watches me like a hawk, and waits for me to do something that he can bitch about. But he asked if Fiona was coming over, I said yes, and he left for the entire day, in fact he didn't even come home during the night, 10:00AM and no sign of him. Very interesting.
And for those of you that have been asking Fiona really provocative questions, let me put your questions to rest. Me and Fiona haven’t done anything expect for maybe kiss yet. When she came over, we watched "Catch Me If You Can", and then some Anime Cartoons. Also, you can be assured that I will never pressure Fiona to do anything, ever. So don't worry about that. Also I really and truly like Fiona. The real main thing I look for in a girl is being able to talk without having to explain myself over and over again. I have never had that problem with Fiona, and it’s been really nice.
Well my sister drove her home, and then it was back to Halo2. I had 6 people over, we played two boxes, and two TV, and we all played online. We all wore headsets, not that it really mattered because we could only talk to the team, and the whole team was us, so a lot of good that did us, but that was fun as hell. The last 3 people left at 3AM. We played over 100 games last night, and I drank over 12 bottle of Starbucks Frappuncino to keep myself awake. But that was a blast.
Well that’s really it, what a day. Tomorrow I’ll do the xanga post, but not now. I got to do Lonergan’s essay, it’s already late, now I just got to do it. =)
PS: For your pleasue, I give you Smilies!
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